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Deadline CreativeGPS Training Programme for CCI Professionals

19 September 2024

The CreativeGPS is a training programme designed to support creative professionals from the Cultural and Creative Sectors (CCS) from Latvia, Estonia and Finland in navigating their careers with greater awareness and a stronger strategic approach, which will take place from late October to December 2024 both online and on-site. Acknowledging common challenges in creative professions, it focuses on building participants’ capacities to manage their careers by developing essential soft skills and exploring entrepreneurial potentials. The CreativeGPS project partners are the Northern Dimension Partnership on Culture NDPC, Tallinna Loomeinkubaator, and the Trade Union for Arts and Culture Professionals TAKU.   

Three parallel programmes will be launched and thereby hav seperate open calls in Latvia, Finland, and Estonia. The programmes will run independently by NDPC (LV), TAKU (FIN), and Tallinn Loome Inkubaator (EE), yet including joint sessions to enable peer learning across borders. Topics touched upon within the programme will be the following: Self-reflection,Strategic communication and personal branding, Relevance of networks, Hybrid work life and self-management, Wellbeing and sustainability as well as Futures thinking. 66 spots in total, with 22 allocated to each country are available for professionals in the arts, culture, and creative sectors to apply for. There will be 66 open participant positions altogether, which entails 22 spots per country.  

Read more about the open calls via the links above and dive deeper into the programme here.

Application Deadline: 19 September 2024

Time frame:
19 September 2024 - 19 September 2024 (All day)
