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ABCD - Scanning Tool for CCI Internationalisation

ABCD Scanning Tool for CCI Internationalisation

Intends to gather intermediaries and cultural practitioners in online sessions

The goal of the Ars Baltica Creative Dialogue - Scanning Tool for CCI Internationalisation is to define current real needs for internationalisation within the CCI sector in each region, to map and prioritise these needs in order to collectively find and draft possible solutions in response to the expected value expressed needs of the participants.

The identification of internationalisation vulnerabilities and cocreation of ideas to increase the international activity of participants refers to Creative Ports’ goal of a strong and sustainable internationalisation of CCIs in the Baltic Sea region. The online format allows to communicate and interact in an international context involving participants from various BSR countries.

Each format consists of two sessions à 4 hours within 3 days moderated by Henryk Stawicki and Justyna Turek from Change Pilots and facilitated by ARS BALTICA. The tool is directed to intermediaries and regional/ local actors in the BSR.

All participants will receive a brief form for mapping of the most urgent needs and participant expectations. Additional instructions will be provided prior to the workshops on how participants may prepare for the sessions. Each format will be followed by a brief summary of the outcomes.

ABCD #1: 1 - 3 March 2021

ABCD #2: 12 - 14 April 2021

ABCD #3: 10 - 11 May 2021

Hosting Partner:  ARS BALTICA

The ARS BALTICA Creaive Dialogue - Scanning Tool for CCI Internationalisation will be structured as follows:

  • Part 1 (1 – 5 pm) with focus on key needs, value expected, challenges, opportunities and trends.

13:00 - 13:30 - Introduction / Get to know each other

13:30 - 15:00 - Key Needs & Value Expected

15:00 - 16:10 - Challenges & Opportunities

16:10 - 16:40 - Drivers of Change (i.e. change in social trends)

16:40 - 17:00 - Summary and Wrap Up Discussion


  • Part 2 (1 – 5 pm) will help define potential practical solutions and actionable items.

13:00 - 13:45 - Design Principles

13:45 - 15:45 - Solution-based idea generation

15:45 - 16:40 - Conclusions & Action Plan

16:40 - 17:00 - Summary and Wrap Up Discussion


All participants will receive a brief online form prior to the workshops to map the most urgent needs and participant expectations. 

  • General

General aim of the “ABCD Scanning Tool for CCI Internationalization” is to define current needs for internationalization within the CCI sector in each region, to map and prioritise these needs by learning from each other and sharing ideas within the group of participants.

  • New contacts

The online format will allow to communicate internationally involving intermediaries and cultural practitioners from various Baltic Sea Region countries as well as providing space for discussion in an open environment and create synergies for and with the participating partners.

  • Other Deliverables

More specifically, the tool aims to collectively find/draft possible solutions in response to the expressed needs of the participants. The long-term aim of this tool is to create a sustainable format relevant for future action.